Saturday, July 2, 2011

Reality Bites

Well, the fantasy is over. My trip-of-a-lifetime came to an end with jet lag, piles of laundry and an infuriating encounter with the USPS in which they informed me that they "sent back" the month's worth of mail I had asked them to hold while we were gone. So now instead of wondering which restaurant to eat in or which exotic animal we will see next or what to wear to a worship service in Tanzania, I am left wondering which check-out line looks shorter at Price Chopper. I knew it would happen, but it still stinks to be back in the real world.

The big task ahead for me is what to do with everything I experienced on the trip. There are souvenirs to display and use and hundreds of photos to sort through and even hours of video to edit. But more importantly, what does God want me to do with all these memories and emotions that I've experienced these past four weeks? I was clear from the beginning that, even though there would be elements of "vacation" on this trip, the purpose was not simply to see new places. There are things I am meant to learn from all that happened. There are ways I am meant to change. That process is beginning, and will continue through the next two months as I think about what I will bring back to Living Water from this trip - not souvenirs, but a changed perspective, a renewed passion for ministry.

While I do this internal work, I will also be preparing for my next adventure, a trip to Nashville for the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). I am very excited to make this trip with my daughter Bethany, her first as a seminary student (to be). I will also get to hang out with Suzi Goldt, one of the coolest pastors I know. But I am most excited about reconnecting with pastor friends who I only get to see every other year. This time together always feels more like a family reunion than a business meeting.

There will be some sadness for me this year, too, as I miss my good friend Tom Smith. One of the highlights of past GA gatherings was seeing Tom and sharing funny stories about our youth group days back at Park Avenue Christian Church in Des Moines, IA. I will grieve his passing again as I scan the crowds hoping to see his face. But I am making plans to meet up with some others from Park Avenue who now live in Nashville so we can share memories of Tom and our time together.

I think God might still have some things to show me...

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